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The Crystal Coast Choral Society sponsors two programs as part of its mission to foster future musicians in the communities we serve.
Music Scholarship Program

Music Scholarships are awarded to graduating high school seniors based on music background, financial need, academic achievement and other considerations. These applicants must demonstrate intent to major in music performance, education, or therapy. Scholarships are payable directly to accredited community colleges and four-year colleges and universities. Awards are made to students from Onslow and Carteret County Public Schools and Camp Lejeune Dependent Schools. The amount of money raised determines the number and size of awards made in the spring of each year.

Donations of any amount are gratefully received. Your name will appear on our programs for the year as a member of the Music Makers Circle. If you choose to give $500.00 or more, you may name the scholarship "in memory of" or "in honor of" to whomever you choose, with approval of our Board of Directors. Your generous donation will assist a young person to enrich music for future generations, and through that one life, many will be uplifted.

                                                              Music Internships

Internships are offered to local high school students whereby annual Choral Society dues are deferred to student Choral Society members. These students are encouraged to participate in this organization that helps enhance choral music knowledge and skills as it enables them to learn and perform a wide range of musical compositions that notably includes major works.

For further information, please call Jerry Albright at 252-354-1962 or email him at:

Announcement of the Crystal Coast Choral Society’s                                        Music Scholarship Awards

Members of the Crystal Coast Choral Society (CCCS) are pleased to announce that the recipients of this year’s competitive music scholarship awards of $500 are Julia Ann Klauss and Sadeia Pickett. Awards were presented during this spring’s concert season with Julia receiving her award during the concert at All Saint’s Anglican Church in Newport on April 2nd and Sadeia receiving her award at the concert at Sneads Ferry Presbyterian Church on April 21st.

Julia is a senior at West Carteret High School where she is a bassoonist who has played at the district and state level and is active in musical activities at school. She is a member of the National Honor Society and works and volunteers as well. Julia will enter Boston University in the fall as a music major and plans to become a professional musician.

Sadeia is a singer and participates in various school groups and activities including the honors chamber choir where she sings lead. After graduation from White Oak High School in Jacksonville, she plans to pursue her college education at Chowan University with plans to ultimately obtain a Master’s degree in music theory and education. She hopes to teach music at the post-secondary level.

The Crystal Coast Choral Society is a 30-year old non-profit organization whose mission is to, “ . . . afford residents of eastern North Carolina an opportunity to come together to perform choral music for the benefit of the surrounding communities and to foster future musicians in the communities we serve.” The music programs, often including accompaniment by professional musicians, were supported in part this year by Jacksonville-Onslow Council for the Arts.

The CCCS Scholarship Program is an important fundraising initiative that benefits graduating high school seniors from public schools in Onslow and Carteret Counties who among other factors have strong music and academic backgrounds. Scholarship applicants must demonstrate intent of majoring in music performance, education, or therapy. Information regarding scholarship applications is distributed each year to the high schools in Onslow and Carteret Counties and Camp Lejeune.

Shout out to 
Frances Sutton,
Gracia E. Bobbit, and
Finley and Karen Woolston 
for their donations to the scholarship program.
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Thank you to our top sponsors!


Proud Media Sponsor

Crystal Coast Choral Society

P. O. Box 1954

Swansboro, NC 28584


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